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Concept: learning from a crisis, shifting to opportunity

Controlling, Managing, and Learning from a Crisis

January 6, 2021

Concept: learning from a crisis, shifting to opportunity

We’re now around a year into a global health crisis that has turned the world on its head. Organizations across the globe adapted and quickly changed their course − often more than once − as the pandemic continues to create new challenges for businesses across all sectors.

So, what do business leaders take from this? How do they control and manage crisis? Most importantly, what do they learn from it? It certainly won’t be the last challenge organizations will face. Here, we explain how companies can control a crisis, manage it successfully, and take away valuable lessons.

Choose an adept technology partner

Many organizations, including healthcare, manufacturing, hospitality, or financial services, face a huge challenge when it comes to documenting, managing, and tracking actions related to crisis and incident management. In too many cases, this process is slow and inconsistent, posing a risk to the health of the business.

Another barrier that organizations face is the inability to monitor and identify potential situational threats to various locations, leaving them at a disadvantage as they attempt to contain a risk.

Because of these challenges, organizations both large and small must invest in an appropriate crisis and incident management partner who provides the technology infrastructure and particular expertise required to manage and control a crisis accordingly.

An appropriate crisis and incident software solution

Crisis and incident management software provides businesses and their people access to real-time data along with a powerful incident command center that is widely and quickly available.

With the appropriate software, companies can activate and orchestrate plans tailored to their specific situation and organizational needs. Employees can document and track all incidents and crisis management events as well as create a 360-degree view of an event as it happens. Users can also view an event’s status, receive real-time updates, monitor progress, and automate incident activation accordingly. Furthermore, users can document incidents including priority, status, identify issues, owners, and easily generate reports on lessons learned to drive future success.

By choosing an apt software solution for situational awareness, organizations will be able to recognize potential threats to targeted sites and services and quickly protect their business.

Business value

Leaders can understand the full potential business impact of an event by empowering crisis and management teams to have consistent visibility into all incidents in real-time, enabling them to respond promptly and manage the incident. Having strong technology infrastructure and software instills confidence in an organization’s leadership team to respond, manage, and overcome any disruptive situation.

This new year will most certainly have its challenges, and we must use what we’ve learned from this past year to ensure resilience and be ready for what’s next. To discuss how Fusion can work with you and your business in controlling, managing, and learning from a crisis, request a demo!
