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Success Is More than Attendance

July 17, 2019

Client Engagement Blog Series

Before, we talked about creating a company-wide culture of business continuity management in our Company Engagement Series, from taking the first steps and getting priorities together to checking in on your program. So now that you have your company engaged, let’s talk about engaging your client. In the Client Engagement Series, we share insights on what we’ve learned while growing our client engagement program. Here we explore the strength of your user group program.

Three smiling businessmen in a conference roomYou have a technology user group or client engagement program … and people are coming to your meetings! Is that how you measure the success of your program? Or is success more than attendance?

At Fusion Risk Management, we believe that success for a user group/client engagement program involves much more than simple attendance. In fact, since it is a user group or client engagement program, we believe that success must be measured by those things that our users or clients consider to be important. To determine what metrics to use to assess the efficacy of our program and to actually see how we are doing by those metrics, we ask for feedback from every member at every meeting. We’d like to share three of the top metrics we have identified so you can apply them as appropriate to your user group/client engagement program. Here goes!


User groups/client engagement meetings are all about sharing information. However, you shouldn’t have your own experts do all the sharing! Sharing needs to take place among all the people who attend the meeting. Clients can share their success stories, best practices, lessons learned, tech tips, and – of course – their questions. At each meeting, you can ask attendees what they would be interested in learning about or sharing about at future meetings, and ask their feedback on the quality and relevance of the various presentations/discussions that took place at the current meeting.


For your user group/client engagement program to be strong, sustainable, and dynamic, you need to build a true community, connecting people locally, regionally, globally, and virtually. Participants want to be connected with their peers and with industry experts. They want to be able to collaborate with one another and network with one another inside and outside of scheduled user group/client engagement meetings.


If you want to truly set your user group/client engagement program apart from the rest, help your members to grow professionally. Make sure you are actively engaged in advancing their program and supporting their business goals. Encourage them to speak at industry conferences or participate in panel discussions. Give them the confidence to apply for industry awards. Boost their career growth, and your clients will give you their total loyalty!

Attendance is the first step in any user group/client engagement program. Creating an environment where people can share, connect, and grow is what truly makes for success.
