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Beyond the Basics of Business Continuity with Featured Speaker Amy DeMartine

Wednesday, April 3 | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm CDT

Businesses are judged by the way they respond when things go wrong – and that’s why a strong business continuity (BC) practice, culture, and organizational mindset are more important today than ever before. But it can be hard for a BC professional to rally the company around “what ifs”. Luckily, more executives and boards see the value of resilience programs thanks to COVID-19, global conflicts, inflation, and supply chain challenges – often happening simultaneously and impacting employees, customers, and profits. 

In this environment, the way for BC practitioners to provide value is to go beyond business impact analyses (BIAs), common scenarios, and static plans to understand all facets of their business operations. The business with insightful recommendations and agile plans is the one that will remain operationally sound during a crisis. But stepping up to this challenge may feel overwhelming, so how can you overcome the constant daily requirements of your program and provide the value your organization is seeking from you?  

Learn how to get started with insights from our guest speaker, Forrester’s VP Research Director Amy DeMartine. Join Fusion’s upcoming webinar, where Amy will share the latest thinking, lessons learned, and the 7 key business considerations that go beyond the basics of business continuity.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Build on the core basics of your BC program 
  2. Learn how to navigate some of the more common pain points confronting BC practitioners on their path to resilience 
  3. Understand the 7 key business considerations that must be addressed to become a strategic partner to your organization

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from one of the most insightful minds in the industry and learn how to take your program to the next level. 

Register now!


Join Fusion's upcoming webinar, where Forrester's Amy DeMartine will shares the latest thinking, lessons learned, and the 7 key business considerations that go beyond the basics of business continuity.

Hosted By:

Fusion Risk Management


Wednesday, April 3, 2024


11:00 am - 12:00 pm CDT