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Risk Management FAQs

Explore common Risk Management questions about identifying and addressing business risks.

Identifying and Mitigating Business Risks

Find out how Risk Management strategies can help your organization proactively identify, assess, and manage potential risks to protect operations and assets.

Risk Management FAQs

Risk is the uncertainty of an outcome which can relate to either a threat (downside) or an opportunity (upside).

Risk management is a systematic process that involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating threats or uncertainties that can affect an organization.

An operational risk is the potential for financial loss within a business due to failures in internal processes, people, systems, or external events, essentially meaning the risk of loss arising from inadequate or failed internal operations, including human error, system glitches, or external disruptions like natural disasters.

Operational risk management (ORM) is a continual cyclic process that includes risk assessments, risk decision-making, and the implementation of risk-based controls, which results in acceptance, mitigation, or avoidance of risk. ORM is the oversight of operational risk, including the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes and systems, human factors, or external events.