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Looking Forward – Be Proactive with Operational Resilience Best Practices

Posted on: December 8, 2021

2022 is right around the corner. A new year means new opportunities and new challenges. One thing remains true. To keep your business operating, your organization must continue to deliver on your customer promise, no matter what and while we do not know what lies around the bend, we know that an agile approach can help you address any situation that comes your way.

In this webinar, David Halford, Vice President of Continuity Solutions, Nikki Erakovich, Director of Product Marketing, and Chloe Swierzbinski, Senior Product Marketing Manager, discussed how the Fusion Framework System helps you:

  • Streamline response and recovery with a centralized view in our new Dynamic Response Console
  • Curate data from across the enterprise in one place to enable strategic and agile decision-making
  • Understand the impact of severe but plausible scenarios on important business services
  • Initiate workflows to address gaps in resilience with Fusion’s Scenario Testing capabilities

You can find the slide deck for the webinar here.

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