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Preparing Your Business Operations for Disruption


Businesses are more complex than ever, and so are the threats of disruptions. Traditional tabletop exercises are too slow, too limited, and too expensive to help your organization identify and plan for all the potential risks it’s going to face.

Fortunately, new technology and solutions for scenario and stress testing can enable your company to anticipate more, prepare better, and stay ready for whatever the future may bring.

Learn about the advances and options for staying prepared in this whitepaper.


Most organizations rely on some combination of scenario testing, stress testing and/or exercise management to test for failures and determine whether their business is ready. Even regulators are starting to put frameworks in place that require businesses to demonstrate their readiness to deal with “severe but plausible” disruption scenarios.

These tabletop stress tests can be prohibitive – costing as much as $30,000-$50,000 to run a single disruption scenario. They are also decreasing in the value they offer in today’s environment. In too many cases, these processes are focused on historical scenarios and limited to the  experience of small teams. They are unable to account for downstream dependencies that impact an organization’s ability to respond.

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