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Verdantix Report | Smart Innovators: Operational Resilience Software

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If you’re ready to modernize your organization’s risk management and resilience, make sure to read the new report from the independent analyst firm Verdantix. This analysis brings clarity to the quest for operational resilience. In it, the independent research and advisory firm Verdantix: 

  • Compares the performance of 16 software providers across 12 key areas 
  • Explains the core capabilities essential for building operational resilience 
  • Outlines the reasons more and more organizations are investing in resilience software 

You’ll see Fusion on the list of Smart Innovators, and get a better sense of exactly what we bring to the resilience table. 


Regulatory compliance, stakeholder expectations and the growing volatility of the risk landscape highlight the importance of operational resilience. Organizations are increasingly adopting digital solutions to tackle governance and data management hurdles. This report serves as a valuable resource for buyers seeking  operational resilience software, offering a comprehensive benchmark of capabilities across 16 solution providers. It encompasses essential industry-agnostic capabilities for the future of operational resilience, namely, governance, risk management, ICT risk management, physical asset management, workforce and talent  management, and supply chain management

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